Friday, May 12, 2023

6 Different Security Frameworks

Companies with a trove of data assets to manage and protect have many options. Security frameworks are a set of defined policies and procedures that help manage data risks and reduce vulnerabilities. Your organization's success and reputation hinge on keeping private data safe while complying with all applicable data regulations.

Here's a quick breakdown of different security frameworks you can use with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Container Services (ECS). Along with AWS ECS backup, these frameworks can protect your bottom line and keep data safe.


Developed in the mid-90s, COBIT is a popular choice for companies needing to balance IT and business goals. The latest version, COBIT 2019, is one of the most-used frameworks to achieve Sarbanes-Oxley compliance for public companies.

CIS Controls

Center for Internet Security (CIS) is a framework that details technical and operational controls you can apply to any environment. It doesn't have risk management or analysis, but it can increase resilience for technical infrastructures.

ISO 27000

The ISO 27000 series is a flexible option that can benefit organizations of all sizes. There are two main frameworks. These include ISO 27001 and ISO 27002. Both establish requirements for establishing an information security system. These systems are crucial for audit activity.

NIST SP 800-53

This framework is a benchmark for governmental agencies. However, many private businesses use it. NIST has a comprehensive list of IT standards; SP 800-53 is one of the most commonly used.

NIST SP 800-171

SP 800-171 is another framework that government agencies use. This particular framework is most known because of the requirements set by the United States Department of Defense covering contractor compliance.

SP800-171 is related to SP 800-53. However, the former is more generalized, while the latter is considerably more detailed.


Also known as "Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, NIST CSF dates back to 2013. It was created under executive order by then-president Obama. The executive order aimed to address critical infrastructure issues. Therefore, NIST CSF focuses on risk management and analysis.

These frameworks are powerful enough to keep your data safe and ensure compliance across the board. When paired with AWS ECS backup, they can help you cover all your organization's databases.

Read a similar article about AWS DR here at this page.

Monday, April 10, 2023

What are Data Compliance Requirements for Financial Companies?

If you run a business that deals with customer data, you already know that this data is valuable and needs to be protected. This is the case in all industries, but in the financial services industry, it’s the law. Financial data in the wrong hands can lead to all kinds of trouble, both for customers and business owners. Theft of financial data has become a major problem thanks in part to the Internet, and regulators have seen fit to create laws to legislate the handling of data as a result.

The Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act

One of the most well-known efforts to protect financial data is the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act. This law requires financial services companies to create controls that secure and limit the exposure of customer financial data to the public.

Compliance may mean investing in software that handles disaster recovery for financial services companies, but it will also mean financial services companies must take active steps to keep customer data from being accessed by unauthorized parties. Although software that handles disaster recovery for financial services companies doesn’t outright protect customer data, it can recover data that has been lost or stolen.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is another regulatory body that financial services companies must pay attention to in terms of compliance. Unlike the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, FINRA compliance only applies to financial services companies that provide brokerage services and funding portals. FINRA is also not a government organization, but the financial services industry treats its regulations much the same as if it were.

Penalties for Violating Compliance

If a financial services company is found to have violated compliance regulations, penalties can range in severity. In addition to fines and fees, licensure may be suspended or revoked, and organizations can be censured in some instances.

Additionally, a financial services company that fails to adequately protect customer data may be open to lawsuits in civil court. This type of litigation is separate from any government or regulatory penalty, and it can further compound existing problems for non-compliant financial services companies.

Read a similar article about AWS lambda disaster recovery platform here at this page.

Sunday, March 12, 2023

What is AWS Aurora?

When information is gathered, stored and recalled in computing, it is done so via databases. A database is simply an organized collection of data that can be recalled as needed. A database typically does minimal processing outside organizing data, but some databases parse data at a low level. These types of systems are used to collect information like customer billing details or product inventory levels, but they are also used in apps and other software settings where information needs to be stored and recalled to use features of an app or piece of software.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides access to cloud-based database engines, and you can turn to AWS for different types of database setups that cater to different needs. If you’re looking for a relational database engine that can integrate with MySQL, AWS Aurora is a good option.

Relational Database Systems

AWS Aurora is part of AWS relational database systems (RDS). This means that databases that take advantage of AWS Aurora are simple to set up and manage in the cloud. Aurora restore backup systems can also be used to protect sensitive data against threats like theft, deletion or corruption. Amazon already provides plenty of security oversight when it comes to database protection, but you can also implement Aurora restore backup services in addition to those offered directly through AWS.

Other Features of AWS Aurora

AWS Aurora also provides access to features like one-way replication and push-button migration. Additionally, you can gain more power from using AWS Aurora through DB clusters. These arrangements harness the power of multiple units working in concert with one another to serve data at scale for larger operations.

Within different regions, AWS Aurora can be configured to include various availability zones. This offers more options to maintain data integrity while also offering speed and enhanced connectivity options. The whole point of having a cluster is to allow data to be served faster to users in different parts of the country or the world, and AWS Aurora can do this when configured according to region and availability zone.

Read a similar article about AWS data protection here at this page.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Why are VPCs Important?

Physical resources were necessary for the old days of web and application development. The only way to get sites up and running was to hold them on physical hardware and connect them to a network. Eventually, data centers became widespread, allowing developers to host their work for the masses to access.

Today, data centers are falling out of favor as developers look to the skies for a safer and more efficient solution. Cue AWS VPC.

What is AWS VPC, and What are Its Benefits?

Virtual private cloud (VPC) technology is part of Amazon Web Services (AWS). It first launched in 2009 and has slowly shaped how developers create applications and online experiences. Instead of hosting code and content on physical servers at a database, VPC allows you to harness cloud-based resources. The technology provides a smooth and safe experience, while AWS VPC disaster recovery software protects against the worst-case scenario.

Using resources from the cloud provides many advantages. Here are some of the most compelling.

Safety and Security

One of the biggest boons of VPC is its security. Cloud technology existed before AWS VPC. But those alternatives often require you to access a public cloud, exposing you to many threats. The potential risks involved for businesses made it far too much.

With VPC, you can access much safer resources. Logistically, VPC is an isolated portion of Amazon Web Services. There are specific protocols and policies to follow, creating a much safer environment for your company.

Cost-Effective Scaling

Think about how much it would cost to scale your site or application with traditional physical hardware. It would be a colossal investment that only grows with time. In addition to the initial purchase, you'd have to foot the bill for maintenance and monitoring. Even still, disaster can strike.

VPC offers a more affordable solution. Cloud technology is naturally scalable, allowing you to pay for more resources as you need them. Grow without the substantial costs, and take advantage of AWS VPC disaster recovery software to keep your work safe no matter what.

Read a similar article about disaster recovery for Amazon web services here at this page.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

What Is Amazon Web Services and Why Is It So Successful?

Amazon Web Services (AWS), the cloud platform offered by Inc (AMZN), has become a giant component of the e-commerce giant's business portfolio. In the second quarter of 2021, AWS brought in a record $14.8 billion in net sales, accounting for just over 13% of Amazon's total net sales. Having grown steadily in the 30% range the past few quarters, AWS is a frontrunner to other cloud computing platforms such as competitor Microsoft Azure read more

Understanding What AWS ECS Is

Container management services are essential. As your needs grow, things can get more complex. This is why you need reliable and consistent results to avoid potential issues down the road. Let’s take a look at what AWS ECS offers and what you can do to protect your data.


Amazon ECS (Amazon Elastic Container Service) allows for the management of container management services that is both fast and highly scalable. Amazon ECS can be used to manage, run and stop containers on a cluster. You can maintain or run several tasks within a cluster at the same time (and it’s necessary). You can also run services and tasks on serverless infrastructure that is managed by Amazon Web Services Fargate.

Let’s take a look at some of Amazon ECS’ features.

Amazon ECS Features

We previously touched on AWS Fargate’s serverless option. The cool thing about AWS Fargate is that it manages some aspects of the infrastructure. Instead of you needing to isolate container workloads, attend to capacity planning, or manage servers, you can attend to other matters because it’s already done with AWS Fargate.

Consider what continuous deployment and continuous integration would look like. Amazon ECS can monitor changes, build new dockers, create new image repositories and update its services so that the new image is within the application.

You have many other features that make container management services easy to do. Moreover, you want to create consistent and reliable changes as your needs become more complex.

Get the Help You Need With AWS ECS Disaster Recovery Software

AWS ECS is wonderful, but you need to ensure that your data remains safe in the instance you incur a power outage or a disaster. Arpio’s AWS ECS disaster recovery software can help recover your data and get everything up and running so that your business experiences as little downtime as possible. Contact Arpio today to get started.

If you need the best AWS disaster recovery platform, visit this website.

6 Different Security Frameworks

Companies with a trove of data assets to manage and protect have many options. Security frameworks are a set of defined policies and procedu...