Sunday, March 12, 2023

What is AWS Aurora?

When information is gathered, stored and recalled in computing, it is done so via databases. A database is simply an organized collection of data that can be recalled as needed. A database typically does minimal processing outside organizing data, but some databases parse data at a low level. These types of systems are used to collect information like customer billing details or product inventory levels, but they are also used in apps and other software settings where information needs to be stored and recalled to use features of an app or piece of software.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides access to cloud-based database engines, and you can turn to AWS for different types of database setups that cater to different needs. If you’re looking for a relational database engine that can integrate with MySQL, AWS Aurora is a good option.

Relational Database Systems

AWS Aurora is part of AWS relational database systems (RDS). This means that databases that take advantage of AWS Aurora are simple to set up and manage in the cloud. Aurora restore backup systems can also be used to protect sensitive data against threats like theft, deletion or corruption. Amazon already provides plenty of security oversight when it comes to database protection, but you can also implement Aurora restore backup services in addition to those offered directly through AWS.

Other Features of AWS Aurora

AWS Aurora also provides access to features like one-way replication and push-button migration. Additionally, you can gain more power from using AWS Aurora through DB clusters. These arrangements harness the power of multiple units working in concert with one another to serve data at scale for larger operations.

Within different regions, AWS Aurora can be configured to include various availability zones. This offers more options to maintain data integrity while also offering speed and enhanced connectivity options. The whole point of having a cluster is to allow data to be served faster to users in different parts of the country or the world, and AWS Aurora can do this when configured according to region and availability zone.

Read a similar article about AWS data protection here at this page.

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