Friday, May 12, 2023

6 Different Security Frameworks

Companies with a trove of data assets to manage and protect have many options. Security frameworks are a set of defined policies and procedures that help manage data risks and reduce vulnerabilities. Your organization's success and reputation hinge on keeping private data safe while complying with all applicable data regulations.

Here's a quick breakdown of different security frameworks you can use with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Container Services (ECS). Along with AWS ECS backup, these frameworks can protect your bottom line and keep data safe.


Developed in the mid-90s, COBIT is a popular choice for companies needing to balance IT and business goals. The latest version, COBIT 2019, is one of the most-used frameworks to achieve Sarbanes-Oxley compliance for public companies.

CIS Controls

Center for Internet Security (CIS) is a framework that details technical and operational controls you can apply to any environment. It doesn't have risk management or analysis, but it can increase resilience for technical infrastructures.

ISO 27000

The ISO 27000 series is a flexible option that can benefit organizations of all sizes. There are two main frameworks. These include ISO 27001 and ISO 27002. Both establish requirements for establishing an information security system. These systems are crucial for audit activity.

NIST SP 800-53

This framework is a benchmark for governmental agencies. However, many private businesses use it. NIST has a comprehensive list of IT standards; SP 800-53 is one of the most commonly used.

NIST SP 800-171

SP 800-171 is another framework that government agencies use. This particular framework is most known because of the requirements set by the United States Department of Defense covering contractor compliance.

SP800-171 is related to SP 800-53. However, the former is more generalized, while the latter is considerably more detailed.


Also known as "Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, NIST CSF dates back to 2013. It was created under executive order by then-president Obama. The executive order aimed to address critical infrastructure issues. Therefore, NIST CSF focuses on risk management and analysis.

These frameworks are powerful enough to keep your data safe and ensure compliance across the board. When paired with AWS ECS backup, they can help you cover all your organization's databases.

Read a similar article about AWS DR here at this page.

6 Different Security Frameworks

Companies with a trove of data assets to manage and protect have many options. Security frameworks are a set of defined policies and procedu...